Monday, August 31, 2009


Adrian, 8-31-09

You were the first guy to make me happy. You were everything I wanted in a guy and at one time proved to me love is something that does exist. I believed you when you told me you loved me, and I still to this day and when I am gone will always wonder why you could never tell me the truth. Why you could never be honest. I believe in my heart that you are so much better than you give yourself credit for. You are beautiful, talented, and overall the most amazing man I have ever met. I learned so much from you, but unfortunately I have learned to late and my heart and body can no longer handle not having you in my life. I never wanted to hurt you or make you unhappy, I moved to Dallas to start a new and have you next to me. I am sorry I stressed you out, and was over dramatic. I wanted to give you everything you ever wanted and I was coming out of my shell a month to late. Being in this apartment only haunts me. Waking up and not hearing your voice, opening my eyes, and not seeing your face. I wanted to make you feel safe, and loved but I failed. Failed to be the strong sexy guy you wanted. Every time you kissed me was a moment I cherished forever, and every time you told me you loved me was a gift from you, and something I believed from you up until you lied and lied and lied. I always asked why? You made me want to be a better man and then you left and it was as if the thought of you with someone else stabbed me. I know if you had ever given me a real chance I could have been the one you wanted. Something real, something worth trying for, and something to make you the happiest guy I know. I wish for you if you ever read this, to be confident and know you are better then sex and you need to open your heart and eyes to what I could have offered you. with you it was the first time in my life I laughed like I did before I moved to Dallas, and it felt amazing to have you be the one to make me laugh. You were the best thing that happened to me, and I will miss you, and I hope you will miss me to. Cause after you read this I will no longer be alive but I memory that I hope you learn from. Please forgive me for what I have done, and please know you were the last guy I ever loved. Even after I am gone, I will always remember you.

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