Saturday, August 1, 2009


I am all for getting mad and cuttin bitches and taken names, but when you don't understand when someone is hurt because you either have no heart or you are dead, it makes it more difficult for a person to understand where you are coming from. In my break up with Zach I always have and mostly likely will continue to blame him for a lot of the pain in my life...well recent pain. But never when expressing my frustration and letting others know of my broken heart did I intentionally bash him or his name. I think it is hilarious and somewhat self-involved to think that it is all about you ALL the time. I am not gonna lie and say that I don't think about Zach on a daily basis, I do. But I am not going to keep my opinions and thoughts bottled up to fester and wallow inside, trust me I already have become numb enough. While I can move on and be somewhat okay, it never changes the fact that what was done was done, and what was said was said, and when lied to I was lied to. You can tell me to simply get over it, but that is what makes me human and some people cold hearted cock heads. When you get hurt physically and there is a you simply hope that the scar will disintegrate? No it won't it will always be there...mind, body and soul. The scar will always be present and be a constant reminder of what you lost or what was done.
The simple fact remains. I have not done anything to harm anyone. The reason I harp on it so much is to prove a point. People are ignorant. They believe lies and live in disbelief because to them it is so much easier to believe a lie, than to see the truth. This is taught during childhood. Believe what sounds like the better story, even if it hurts someone and cuts them down. Bull. shit. If anyone other than me took the time to scope out the truth and see the overall aspect of the situation it would be revealed that I have nothing to with this crazy, unsettling, lowlife, life ruining person who feels its better to read my blog, and take it and run with it. Using my words and taking them as his/her own. I feel in a way he/she is using my words to hide behind and using peoples ignorance to pass him or herself off as me. The only thing I know is God is someone who will deal with him or her accordingly. Point being that when someone stalks you and makes death threats on your life...I find it so much better to not point a finger. I have never once thought Zach was the one doing it because, yes I'm gonna say it, he is better than that. In the message below he obviously has better things to do with his time. I am sure ruining my life is not one of them. While I don't think he is the one stalking me, I do at times wish he did not do the things he did to me. The stalker claims he or she is someone who he had a run in with and it was not me. I am sure I am not the only person in Huntsville,Texas who has a problem with Zach. Even saying that I know I have no problems with him really. I just think closure is a gift everyone should be able to have. You're not promiscuous, just misunderstood, right? So before you take a gun and aim it at someone who you think deserves to be shot. How about you figure out where the gun you're holding came from, and if the person you're aiming at truly deserves to be shot.

"I'd prefer you took down number 14 on your little list of things. It's borderline slanderous, in terms of insinuating my promiscuity.

On that note, please delete the listed people from your friends list as you make them uncomfortable:
Fred Brandon Moore
Nick Gonzalez
Perla Dominguez
Cindy Botero
Dottie Lockett

Its really shitty. You have it in your head that i have tried to destroy you, but thank you for showing me my course in life. I will be leaving Huntsville soon enough.

I have never gone out of my way to make your life harder.

I don't care enough.

I never want to hear from you again, ever. EVER EVER EVER!!

I never truly loved you and will never ever love you like you think you deserve.

Delete who I told you too. Leave me and mine alone."-Zach-

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