Tuesday, September 8, 2009

cheating cheating and more cheating and lies.

When were you going to tell Hunter about all the times you slept around?
johnthomas ring a bell? you met him on http://www.barebackrt.com and you guys fucked right before school let you…it that not when hunter came to get you? Then there is randy and Chase Olin(barebacked with him) and then that time in buffalo with Steve Hayes andhe fucked you in his truck and you pissed on him in the shower. oh and that guy sean davis. A quote from steve hayes

“yes, u said you cheated on him a lot and he was too stupid to notice:)”

I will never understand why you did this to someone who loved you so much. And John even gave you a watch!!!, pictures of you and john, and steve cumming into each others asses…do you have any idea how dangerous and wrong that is to put Hunter at a risk like that. And you go around now telling people Hunter is the one harassing you…dude he hasn’t spoken to you and wants nothing to do with you. why cant you tell him the truth and say ur sorry…he loved you so much adrian. why are you doing this to him?

everyday is something new.


Unknown said...

Today, I was contacted by someone calling themselves Adrian using the email addy hsdenton@gmail.com. He sent pix that, after futher review, appear to be of Hunter. The most disturbing is that he said that Hunter is dead. Can anyone clarify this?

Matt said...

danny, are u on twitter so I can contact you?

Danny said...

uncledeej on twitter