Saturday, August 1, 2009

New Place, moving, and falling deeper in love.

I am going to make a video when I get this place clean up and running smoothly. I am running around trying to get this apartment organized. While doing all of this Adrian is still back in Houston. I have been waiting and waiting for him to come back up to Denton and be with me. In that time I have realized that not having him around has made me want him more. I have been falling in love with him more and more everyday.
When Zach was gone, I made a promise to myself not to get involved with someone so soon. I half ass dated and didn't really want to find anyone. I found Adrian on a whim. I love having him in my life and I would not want it any other way. Sure we have hit some snags along the way, but that is what tests a relationship and makes it stronger. I love Denton, and can't wait to see what the rest of 2009 has in store for me. I am writing music and trying so hard to put together an album, and I am working with some really amazing people! So I hope you guys like my music when it comes out. I love and thank you guys for all the support you have given me and I hope to see you guys soon! :) -Hunter-

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