Monday, March 23, 2009

A little bitch session if you will.

It seems to me the older I get, the more I find myself looking back at my past and present and comparing the two. While I am not happy about the mistakes I have made in the past, I am happy to be making a plan for myself in the future. Now that I have gotten the seriousness off my chest, let me take a minute to have a rather blunt BITCH session.
I have never called myself a saint or anything of that nature, but one thing I know I am not is a liar. While I have done my fair share of lying and hurting people with lying, but I have learned that most of what people say is truth. On the other hand let me say that 80 precent of the gay community are pathological liars. (I don't fall in that 80 precent anymore) Now whether it be about what they do for a living, what they drive, who they are dating, or what their HIV status is, it seems to be a growing trend of the two-faced fag!
I bring this topic up because this past weekend, I went out with my guy and we went to a club. I rarely go to this club, I can't stand it, nor the people there and I was pleasantly reminded why I dislike the environment so much. Anyways, We went to have fun, drink a little, and just enjoy our last night together before he went back to Dallas. While there I saw a guy that I had talked to for about two weeks before I had met Adrian. I walked up to him and his friends, and introduced Adrian to Marc, and his friends. Marc introduced me to his "boyfriend" and when I looked up to shake his hand, I knew EXACTLY who his new "boyfriend" was. I simply laughed it off in my mind, but I was quickly finding myself pissed off. About two minutes later I noticed that Adrian and I were quickly being ignored until Marc and Adrian looked at each other and both recognized each other from middle school. What are the fuckin odds. Anyways after this had passed there was no point in standing there trying to make conversation. It was obvious that Adrian and I were about as pointless as a Wes Craven film. I got mad and Adrian coould tell I was livid.
The reason why I got so mad was because while Marc and I didn't work out (I still think his reasoning for calling it off was complete bullshit) one of the things he told me was "I think you're a great guy and I still wanna be friends with you even if we can't be more than that" I realized while standing there waiting for a simple "How's life?" that Marc and most every other gay guy I try to be friends with is full of bullshit. A simple "you were a great fuck but I don't wanna date you" would have made my day, and would have saved me the time of having to waste two weeks of my life, and my birthday on him, and would have saved me the effort of having to delete Marc from my phone.
I think the question is, why are gay men so fuckin fake? Why do they say one thing and mean another? Don't tell me you wanna be my friend, if your statement was full of hot air, and meant nothing and was your failed attempt at trying to be a good guy. Trust me I have had better promises made from my mother, and if anyone knows how she is, she is about as unreliable as a cheap toy from the 99 cent store.
Blow it up your ass cockhead.

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