Tuesday, March 24, 2009

And the reason is you.

For about a year now I have been trying to avoid guys like the plague. I told myself time and time again that no man was worth my time, and after Zach love was not an option for me, and I should just keep walking the path I was on but just walk it alone. I never really dabbled in the dating pool. I never even had sex really. I met a few guys along the way knowing full well that it was something I didn't want and that it just didn't feel right. I was not only wasting my time, I was wasting theirs.
Then about a month back, I met someone. It was funny because when I got his message I thought nothing of it. I felt he was just someone who might be like every other cockhead out there who wanted nothing more than to see me naked, and he would be disappointed when his requests were not granted. I was in for a shock. He sent me a message mentioning nothing about clothing, nude photos, or anything. Just simply sent me his best wishes, and that he took the time to actually read my profile. I was impressed, but still keeping a close eye I watched my back.
The more we talked the more I wanted to learn about him. The more I wanted to get to actually know this guy. At first there wasn't really anything there, but after a few weeks of talking it felt right. It felt amazing, needed, and comfortable. I didn't feel ashamed with him. I felt that this was what I needed to pick my lazy ass off the ground. Yes I know I said I didn't need a man, but this man actually wanted me. It felt nice to be wanted, and someone take the time out of their schedule to talk to me and show concern for me. When he came home for Spring Break nothing changed, seeing him in person made everything better.
He never pressured me for sex, (which still hasn't happened, a good thing) he never made himself superior to me, he made me feel beautiful. He totally made walls fall, that Zach had forced me to put up. Even after being so honest with him about my past and my severe mistakes, he still held me and kissed my lips. It was what I had been waiting for. Now I find myself so happy. I have a boyfriend. Never thought I would say it again, and not feel embarrassed by doing so. I am not ashamed of him, or of the beautiful heart and soul that he possesses. He is truly what I needed to bring me back down to earth. :)

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