Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Britney Spears: The Circus featuring The Pussycat Dolls 2009

Wow, what an amazing night. Michael (my best friend) and I got the VIP treatment. I won tickets on 104.1 KRBE and we got the hook up. We had amazing seats to the show, and we even got to go backstage and meet THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS. I must say PCD is just as beautiful and amazing in person as they are in their videos and are a talented group. People will say a lot of shit about them, but I say they are truly gifted. Michael and I got to hug every single member, and Michael and I even got a kiss from Nicole (The lead singer). Melody (My favorite one) complimented me on my star tats behind my ears, and then Jessica said she was thinking about naming her future child HUNTER! NO JOKE. I will also say they know how to put on a show making sure the crowd was entertained and involved. Live vocals (no lip-syncing) and dance moves to rock the house. Unfortuantly we were not able to take photos with the Pussycat Dolls (legal issues, and they didn't want to be photographed) but to meet them was an experience of a lifetime.
Britney came out and I must say that girl with all the flack she gets really knows how to put on a show! She made it totally worth staying up late, and she entertained to her fullest. The show has everything from magic tricks, to dancing to the sexually overt and seducing visuals Britney Spears is known for. If you are able to go see the show I totally recommend it. I know in the past I have gotten shit from friends, and ex boyfriends for liking Britney, but fuck it. I love her and she and the Pussycat Dolls gave me AND Michael and experience we both will NEVER forget! Thank you!








Photobucket PCD!!!




Photobucket NEW FRIENDS







This man in my life, he couldn't get any better. Can he?

I love you.

I loved this part right here!

Amazing. I got a kiss from Nicole the lead singer, and I even got to hug them all! I love PCD!!!

Be careful what you wish for...

They are as amazing in person as they are in their videos!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

A smile on your mouth and your hand on your Huh!!!!

Probably one of the hottest videos I have seen. Lady Gaga is the shit!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


So many times I thought I knew what love was
but when I am with you I know what it does.

The ground starts to shake and everythings gone
and when you look at me you do no wrong.

My heart pounds fast and I know its true
the sky has stars now, and its thanks to you.

I hold you close and would like you to stay
when you go I know its real, and you're not to far away.

It is so intense, this thing that you do
a passion that tingles and makes me feel true.

Stay by my side and never second guess
I thank you so much for making it unstressed.

So many times I thought I knew what love was
and now I know it is real and all that it does.

Thank you Babe.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


And the reason is you.

For about a year now I have been trying to avoid guys like the plague. I told myself time and time again that no man was worth my time, and after Zach love was not an option for me, and I should just keep walking the path I was on but just walk it alone. I never really dabbled in the dating pool. I never even had sex really. I met a few guys along the way knowing full well that it was something I didn't want and that it just didn't feel right. I was not only wasting my time, I was wasting theirs.
Then about a month back, I met someone. It was funny because when I got his message I thought nothing of it. I felt he was just someone who might be like every other cockhead out there who wanted nothing more than to see me naked, and he would be disappointed when his requests were not granted. I was in for a shock. He sent me a message mentioning nothing about clothing, nude photos, or anything. Just simply sent me his best wishes, and that he took the time to actually read my profile. I was impressed, but still keeping a close eye I watched my back.
The more we talked the more I wanted to learn about him. The more I wanted to get to actually know this guy. At first there wasn't really anything there, but after a few weeks of talking it felt right. It felt amazing, needed, and comfortable. I didn't feel ashamed with him. I felt that this was what I needed to pick my lazy ass off the ground. Yes I know I said I didn't need a man, but this man actually wanted me. It felt nice to be wanted, and someone take the time out of their schedule to talk to me and show concern for me. When he came home for Spring Break nothing changed, seeing him in person made everything better.
He never pressured me for sex, (which still hasn't happened, a good thing) he never made himself superior to me, he made me feel beautiful. He totally made walls fall, that Zach had forced me to put up. Even after being so honest with him about my past and my severe mistakes, he still held me and kissed my lips. It was what I had been waiting for. Now I find myself so happy. I have a boyfriend. Never thought I would say it again, and not feel embarrassed by doing so. I am not ashamed of him, or of the beautiful heart and soul that he possesses. He is truly what I needed to bring me back down to earth. :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Hunter Show: Bitch Session Monday!!!

The First Episode of The Hunter Show.

A little bitch session if you will.

It seems to me the older I get, the more I find myself looking back at my past and present and comparing the two. While I am not happy about the mistakes I have made in the past, I am happy to be making a plan for myself in the future. Now that I have gotten the seriousness off my chest, let me take a minute to have a rather blunt BITCH session.
I have never called myself a saint or anything of that nature, but one thing I know I am not is a liar. While I have done my fair share of lying and hurting people with lying, but I have learned that most of what people say is truth. On the other hand let me say that 80 precent of the gay community are pathological liars. (I don't fall in that 80 precent anymore) Now whether it be about what they do for a living, what they drive, who they are dating, or what their HIV status is, it seems to be a growing trend of the two-faced fag!
I bring this topic up because this past weekend, I went out with my guy and we went to a club. I rarely go to this club, I can't stand it, nor the people there and I was pleasantly reminded why I dislike the environment so much. Anyways, We went to have fun, drink a little, and just enjoy our last night together before he went back to Dallas. While there I saw a guy that I had talked to for about two weeks before I had met Adrian. I walked up to him and his friends, and introduced Adrian to Marc, and his friends. Marc introduced me to his "boyfriend" and when I looked up to shake his hand, I knew EXACTLY who his new "boyfriend" was. I simply laughed it off in my mind, but I was quickly finding myself pissed off. About two minutes later I noticed that Adrian and I were quickly being ignored until Marc and Adrian looked at each other and both recognized each other from middle school. What are the fuckin odds. Anyways after this had passed there was no point in standing there trying to make conversation. It was obvious that Adrian and I were about as pointless as a Wes Craven film. I got mad and Adrian coould tell I was livid.
The reason why I got so mad was because while Marc and I didn't work out (I still think his reasoning for calling it off was complete bullshit) one of the things he told me was "I think you're a great guy and I still wanna be friends with you even if we can't be more than that" I realized while standing there waiting for a simple "How's life?" that Marc and most every other gay guy I try to be friends with is full of bullshit. A simple "you were a great fuck but I don't wanna date you" would have made my day, and would have saved me the time of having to waste two weeks of my life, and my birthday on him, and would have saved me the effort of having to delete Marc from my phone.
I think the question is, why are gay men so fuckin fake? Why do they say one thing and mean another? Don't tell me you wanna be my friend, if your statement was full of hot air, and meant nothing and was your failed attempt at trying to be a good guy. Trust me I have had better promises made from my mother, and if anyone knows how she is, she is about as unreliable as a cheap toy from the 99 cent store.
Blow it up your ass cockhead.

Monday, March 16, 2009

How real?

In the blink of an eye, or maybe better said in the tone of a phone, life as I see it now has become so much better. Life is picking itself up. New Career, new living situation, and becoming involved. By involved I mean a boyfriend. Not since Zach have I truly been able to feel happy. Adrian is an amazing guy who I have been getting to know for about hmmm well a while. (4weeks) Its been amazing. I am excited to find out what more this guy has instore for me. All I know is a don't think I have ever laughed more, smiled bigger, or been more excited about a guy.

I'ma get that fuckin Hula hoop!

Who know that by adding a "LA" to your name that everything could change, change meaning that you create a completely new and different personality.

Monday, March 9, 2009

This song is about you.

Ha, ha, who, who
Thought you’d get the money, too
Greedy, mother fuckers
Try to have the cake and eat it, too.

Yo, check this out you greedy motha f******
I changed all my credit cards,
And switched all the locks to all my doors
You thought my heart would be destroyed
Look around cuz I’m chillin’ boy
Whatcha goin’ get your lawyer for?
I makes my dough and just for sure you know
Your lawyers should have let you know, you know,
When you sue me you gonna be broke, you know,
Ain’t no way you gonna bring me down easy
Any chick that you stick is real sleazy
Before I need you, I bet you gonna need me
You ain’t want me, anyway you wanted to be me.
What made you think I wanted to keep you around
While I work my a** off while you just lounge around, huh?
You slump, bum, son of a gun,
And uh, How much you worth? I think negative, done

Sharp shooter into breakin’ hearts
A baby gigolo, a sex pistol
Hollerin’ at everything that walks
No substance, just small talk
Know why you’re feelin’ on that girl’s behind,
You got a sleazy, one track mind
Workin’ your work until you find
Who’s goin’ home with you tonight.

I betcha think this song is about you,

Don’t you, don’t you, don’t you.

I’m doin’ better without you, and I’m happy without you.

Sweatin’ me but I’m not you’re type,
You think you irk me, and you’re so right,
I’d rather keep the trash and throw you out,
Stupid b**** in my beach house
No, I ain’t gonna go and act a fool,
And be the lead story, on the n**** news
Not me, sucker, I’d never be your lover,
I’d rather make you suffer, you stupid motha f*****

Who you gonna give it to? Who you gonna steal it from?
Who’s your next victim?
Who you gonna lie to? Who you gonna cheat on?
Who you gonna leave alone?
What you gonna tell her, after she discovers,
you don’t really love her?
It’s gonna be a show down, knock down, drag down,
gun slugger shoot ‘em up

You must have thought you had game, now you, what?
Walkin’ ‘round, like you’re down, you don’t give a…
But you don’t really wanna be forgot into the streets,
I’m a lover, not a fighter, but I crack your teeth
Boy I plead please, no, don’t bother me.
Cuz when you had me you ain’t know how to chill wit’ me
You wanna be in the streets with the freak-nies
But now you all up on them knees, still joggin’ me.
But I’m gonna say it real, real, keep it real,
What the deal? How you feel? Is it real? Is you sick?
Cuz I’m the deal, still here, what the feelin’
Is real, don’t front, cuz boy I’m the…
I’m doin’ better without you, playa, and I’m happy without you, playa,
This song is about you, playa
Motha f***** son of a gun, Janet!

Got a chip upon your shoulder, I just knocked it off,
Show me what you’re gonna do, I ain’t ‘bout to run,
You have just run out of ammunition,
Shootin’ blanks now, you son of a gun.

Who you gonna give it to? Who you gonna steal it from?
Who’s your next victim?
Who you gonna lie to? Who you gonna cheat on?
Who you gonna leave alone?
What you gonna tell her, after she discovers,
you don’t really love her?
It’s gonna be a show down, knock down, drag down,
gun slugger shoot ‘em up

No, no, no, no, no, it’s not what you say, it’s what you do
You’re so vain,
You probably think this song is about you,
Don’t you, don’t you, don’t you, don’t you.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

To be With You.

By: David Archuleta

I've been alone so many nights now,

And I've been waitin' for the stars to fall.
I keep holdin' out for what I don't know
To be with you, just to be with you.

So here I am staring at the moon tonight,
Wondering how you look in this light.
Maybe you're somewhere thinkin' about me too.
To be with you, there's nothing I wouldn't do.

And I can't imagine two worlds spinnin' apart
Come together eventually..

And when we finally meet, I'll know it's right.
I'll be at the end of my restless road.
But this journey, it was worth the fight.
To be with you, just to be...

Holding you for the very first time, never letting go.
What I wouldn't give to feel that way... Ooohh...

Oh, to be with you...

Oh, and I can't imagine two worlds spinnin' apart
Come together eventually.

And when you're standin' here in front of me,
That's when I know that God does exist.
'Cause He will have answered every single prayer.
To be with you, just to be with you,

My little Poem.

You came around, unexpected and made me feel calm
waiting for you is just like a pleasant slow song

Your eyes and your smile, no one can touch
when I am with you, am I doing to much?

You are such a bright light
that shines sight to my path

it might be to soon, but with you I want that.

You are someone that I want, just give me a chance
to show you this is real, and how to slow dance

short and sweet and to the point, the wall is coming down
please stick around and add music to my heart,
without making a sound.