Saturday, January 31, 2009

Men are just boys.

Men are just boys who say what you wanna hear
Men are just boys who can drink much more beer

Men are just boys but a little bigger in size
Men are just boys that I just despise

Lead me down a path that I thinks paved with gold
then stop me to short and say I can't pass go.

Men are just boys that can make you feel good
then turn around and you feel like you're misunderstood

Why get caught up when it blows up in your face
never knowing how safe is a safe perfect pace

First dates are fun, and then you crave more
Men are just boys that you want to adore

Men are just boys who are sly a bit wiser
Men are just boys who think they're higher

Why bring the wall down, only to build it back up
knowing it was a mistake and now you're just fucked

That's how men work, never giving that chance
Men are just boys that know how to dance.

Men are just boys who enjoy a little more sin
Boys are just guys, who want to be men.

Breaking hearts at the drop of a dime
Never seeing what is real and what they could find

Men are just boys who say what you wanna hear
Men are just boys who can drink much more beer.

Friday, January 30, 2009

"I'm just goin' down to the Oyster Shack!"

This is a really funny video. It just goes to show that either the cops in this town are really bored and have nothing better to do, or the guy driving the lawn mower thought he would cut some grass while trying to get to the Oyster Shack! Lol.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A little insight and a lovely show from Christian Dior

PARIS, January 26, 2009
By Sarah Mower
There are only two questions anyone is asking Paris couturiers this season: "What are your inspirations?" followed swiftly by, "And what do you think about the recession?" John Galliano's answers were "Flemish painters and Monsieur Dior," and to the point, "There's a credit crunch, not a creative crunch. Of course, everyone is being more careful with their discretionary purchases. I am. But it's our job to make people dream, and to provide the value in quality, cut, and imagination."

He'd cross-referenced the soft blues and golds of Vermeer and the elaborate lace collars and sleeves of Van Dyck with typically Galliano-esque hyper-exaggerations of Dior's tight-waisted, full-skirted fifties shapes. As a starting point, it evoked some of the romantic femininity of Dior's silhouette, but with surface ruffles and bouncing crinolined hemlines that went way beyond any sense of postwar austerity. As for the seventeenth-century Dutch elements, there were cross-laced corseted backs and cartridge-paper scrolls standing out on hips, and, as things progressed, tulip prints and blue-and-white Delftware embroideries peeking from the underskirts. The finale dress, in a gorgeous deep burnt red, had the stately dignity of an historical movie costume—not so much Girl With a Pearl Earring as Rembrandt's Jewish Bride ( OK, that's yet to be made, but the color's exact).

Oddly, though, the clothes became lovelier when the collection didn't stick so literally to the Old Masters—either painterly ones, or the founder of the house. When Galliano escaped the sweet Vermeer palette and moved into ivory, as he did with a slim dress implanted with raw-edged georgette rosettes and embroidered with silver leaves, or with an ingenue off-the-shoulder fifties dance dress banded with black bows, it all seemed simpler, fresher, less stilted. And more like the kind of thing that will actually keep Dior clients dreaming, and, hopefully, spending. This is from Sarah Mower...for more information, and coverage of the 2009 Spring Couture collections visit


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

May I have your attention please?

So the time has come to make a shout out to myself I guess. I am ready. I am willing, and I am hopeful. I am going to do this without caution, and do my best to give it my all. My God give me the stength to do what I need to do and what is right. No more blaming Zach, or using him as an excuse. He did cause me great pain, still does, but there is no need to dwell on it. Especially now that I have possibly found something even better than him to a T. I will miss him, but I know and I and hoping in my heart that this is what God as intended for me to do and that it will all be good, and safe for me. May he receieve everything he ever wanted, and may he be safe. (I am trying my best to be positive) I wish him the best, even if He does not wish me the same. I have something new...something I have been too scared to want, and now I have it, and I feel this is right. So no being scared. No finding excuses for why I am not ready. I am just going to spread my wings and fly.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Now pose for the







Photobucket These are just some of my favorites.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

When you told me you Loved me Zach.

"When You Told Me You Loved Me"

Doesn't mean anything to me
Show me the meaning of complete
Did our love go wrong
Once we were so strong
How can I go on?

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
to get over the feeling of knowing
A dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe that you weren't complete
Without me by your side
how could I know
That you would go
That you would run
Baby, I thought you were the one

Can't I just leave it all behind
Felt passion so bright that I was blind
Something made me weak
Talking in my sleep
Baby, I'm in so deep and you know I believed

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
to get over the feeling of knowing
A dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe that you weren't complete
Without me by your side
how could I know
That you would go
That you would run
Baby, I thought you were the one

Your lips
Your face
Something that time just can't erase
Find my heart
Could break
All over again

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
to get over the feeling of knowing
A dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe that you weren't complete
Without me by your side
how could I know
That you would go
That you would run
Baby, I thought you were the one

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Enjoying my weekend.

My Black Eyed Peas weekend lol.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Weakerthans - Left & Leaving

Love this song. An amazing band. This is how I truly feel.

The Fear

An amazing song, and the lyrics are just as amazing. A song after my own heart. I love it and you should to.

I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don't care about clever I don’t care about funny
I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

I'll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
'Cuz everyone knows that's how you get famous
I'll look at the sun and I'll look in the mirror
I'm on the right track yeah I'm on to a winner

I don't know what’s right and what's real anymore
I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
'Cuz I'm being taken over by The Fear

Life's about film stars and less about mothers
It's all about fast cars and passing each other
But it doesn't matter cause I’m packing plastic
and that's what makes my life so fucking fantastic

And I am a weapon of massive consumption
and its not my fault it's how I'm program to function
I'll look at the sun and I'll look in the mirror
I'm on the right track yeah I'm on to a winner

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
I don't know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
'Cuz I’m being taken over by The Fear

Forget about guns and forget ammunition
Cause I'm killing them all on my own little mission
Now I'm not a saint but I'm not a sinner
Now everything is cool as long as I'm getting thinner

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
When we think it will all become clear
'Cause I'm being taken over by fear

Shooting unwanted bullets I see.

I am all for getting mad and cuttin bitches and taken names, but when you don't understand when someone is hurt because you either have no heart or you are dead, it makes it more difficult for a person to understand where you are coming from. In my break up with Zach I always have and mostly likely will continue to blame him for a lot of the pain in my life...well recent pain. But never when expressing my frustration and letting others know of my broken heart did I intentionally bash him or his name. I think it is hilarious and somewhat self-involved to think that it is all about you ALL the time. I am not gonna lie and say that I don't think about Zach on a daily basis, I do. But I am not going to keep my opinions and thoughts bottled up to fester and wallow inside, trust me I already have become numb enough. While I can move on and be somewhat okay, it never changes the fact that what was done was done, and what was said was said, and when lied to I was lied to. You can tell me to simply get over it, but that is what makes me human and some people cold hearted cock heads. When you get hurt physically and there is a you simply hope that the scar will disintegrate? No it won't it will always be there...mind, body and soul. The scar will always be present and be a constant reminder of what you lost or what was done.
The simple fact remains. I have not done anything to harm anyone. The reason I harp on it so much is to prove a point. People are ignorant. They believe lies and live in disbelief because to them it is so much easier to believe a lie, than to see the truth. This is taught during childhood. Believe what sounds like the better story, even if it hurts someone and cuts them down. Bull. shit. If anyone other than me took the time to scope out the truth and see the overall aspect of the situation it would be revealed that I have nothing to with this crazy, unsettling, lowlife, life ruining person who feels its better to read my blog, and take it and run with it. Using my words and taking them as his/her own. I feel in a way he/she is using my words to hide behind and using peoples ignorance to pass him or herself off as me. The only thing I know is God is someone who will deal with him or her accordingly. Point being that when someone stalks you and makes death threats on your life...I find it so much better to not point a finger. I have never once thought Zach was the one doing it because, yes I'm gonna say it, he is better than that. In the message below he obviously has better things to do with his time. I am sure ruining my life is not one of them. While I don't think he is the one stalking me, I do at times wish he did not do the things he did to me. The stalker claims he or she is someone who he had a run in with and it was not me. I am sure I am not the only person in Huntsville,Texas who has a problem with Zach. Even saying that I know I have no problems with him really. I just think closure is a gift everyone should be able to have. You're not promiscuous, just misunderstood, right? So before you take a gun and aim it at someone who you think deserves to be shot. How about you figure out where the gun you're holding came from, and if the person you're aiming at truly deserves to be shot.

"I'd prefer you took down number 14 on your little list of things. It's borderline slanderous, in terms of insinuating my promiscuity.

On that note, please delete the listed people from your friends list as you make them uncomfortable:

Its really shitty. You have it in your head that i have tried to destroy you, but thank you for showing me my course in life. I will be leaving Huntsville soon enough.

I have never gone out of my way to make your life harder.

I don't care enough.

I never want to hear from you again, ever. EVER EVER EVER!!

I never truly loved you and will never ever love you like you think you deserve.

Delete who I told you too. Leave me and mine alone."-Zach-

Monday, January 5, 2009


Lily Allen's cover of the Britney Spears song "Womanizer" I love it. It is so dark and just an amazing take on the song. I knew I loved Lily Allen for a reason. Enjoy :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Kelsey & Hunter Show Episode Three: Part One

Never has vital information been so hilarious. In this episode we discuss how drinking can lead to not so good consequences, and how meeting the wrong person can make you something known as an acquaintance rapist. Notice in the back our new board and the many messages we send out to people watching...hopefully. Enjoy.

The Kelsey & Hunter Show Episode Three: Part Two

The Fun continues. Btw, don't drink and drive lol.

The Kelsey & Hunter Show Episode Three: Part Three

Part Three of four.

The Kelsey & Hunter Show Episode Three: Part Four

The closing to the show and we will be taking a break for about a week or so since Kelsey is going to be out of town. But with that said I hope you enjoyed all four parts. See ya soon.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I hate Homosexuals.

I do not hate homosexuals, since I am gay...I just don't enjoy the company of my kind all that much. I viewed this video and thought it was hilarious. I think it just goes to prove homophobic people do not know how to use proper english and can sometimes use the F word a little to much. I find it extremely funny that people are so ignorant. He explains what happens and it made me laugh for a bit considering the mood I have been in for the past few days. Enjoy.

Just Like a Star.

Corinne Bailey Rae Like A Star

Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands
Oh, I do love you

Still I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind

You've got this look I can't describe,
You make me feel I'm alive,
When everything else is so au fait
Without a doubt you're on my side,
Heaven has been away too long,
Can't find the words to write this song of your love,

Still I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this With anyone but you,
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind

Now I have come to understand The way it is,
It's not a secret anymore,
'Cause we've been through that before,
From tonight I know that you're the only one,
I've been confused and in the dark,
Now I understand,

I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this With anyone but you,
I wonder why it is,
I won't let my guard down to anyone but you
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind

Just like a star across my sky,
Just like an angel off the page,
You have appeared to my life,
Feel like I'll never be the same,
Just like a song in my heart,
Just like oil on my hands.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Mathew Chapter 4 Verse 17: Shut the Fuck up!

Truer words were never spoken. I agree with her completely and Margaret Cho makes it so much more understandable for the dumb fucks who don't understand it themselves.

"I want Jesus to come back and say THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"
The Best part!

A past memory from someone I love

"You confuse me so bad and I'm scared I'm just dragging you along but I really don't know what I would do with myself at this point in my life if you we were to not be together in some way. I don't want to just be friends by any means, but I want to be able to give you respect in the sense that I want to make sure this is good for me.

I'm so confused by myself right now. I love you and I don't wanna cope out. I love you Philip(Hunter) Stiles. I really do."- Zach

I am going to bed, This is overwhelming for me to deal with right now. I am accused of so much and nothing I seem to do is right. I swear to everyone involved if they read this. Including the person who seems to want to watch me and "stalk me" I am a good person and I wish one day you would see that. It is what is right. Goodnight.

It never is how you want it.

I have come to many conclusions over the past months. Many of them are confirmed by the many people around me. My friends who help me when I need them the most. I always wanted to be happy and find that special someone who would be "the one". Now I realize that "the one" just might not exist. It is as though many of men in our world have forgotten how to be civil, polite, trustworthy and admit their mistakes. But over the past few months I see myself becoming someone I am comfortable with, but at the same time find it hard to be this person.
I see and have many times had it pointed out to me that I am becoming or sometimes act like my ex Zach. From what I understand he was immature and emotionally unavailable. I see myself becoming in a way not immature, but emotionally unavailable at times. I feel because of this ex I am becoming so closed off not ready to let anyone in that I feel might hurt me. I have been told I act so different, and sometimes I become well like him. I DO NOT want to be him by any means. He is a great guy, but he is his own person. I have become cut off, not getting close, and become so distant from getting to know someone, I come off as an asshole.
I some ways I see why when I was with Zach why I became such a turn off and annoyance to him. I was told I always texted his friends asking why Zach was so distant and if he really loved me. I see why that was so draining. So time consuming. I am scared of getting into a relationship because I don't want to behave as he did when we were together, but I feel I am doing that now. Shutting anyone out who might want to love me. I am sorry for being so paranoid about his actions while together. I mean he did betray and cheat on me, but part of feels like I drove him to do just that. I will never be that way with anyone ever again. In all honesty it might take some serious time before I can ever give someone my trust and heart again. I hate every minute of it. I am changing and tired of being viewed as someone I am not.
Stalker I am not, harm I could and would never cause and honest I always am. I love you, and sorry for doing just that.

The Kelsey & Hunter Show Episode Two Part Two

After Leah left to observe her landscapers, we proceeded to discuss other things. Episode Two was a little off topic, because we simply wanted to get back to watching the movie we were watching when we decided to tape this segment. Episode Three (not to be confused with the Special Edition episode) will be more solid. We will be talking about college and rape and how when given a flyer about the two; it can be quite entertaining. :)

The Kelsey & Hunter Show: Special Edition Part Three

We are by no means parenting experts, but when you take your child to a department store, please take our advice and learn to properly control the little shit. If you don't I explain what the painful outcome might be.

The Kelsey & Hunter Show: Special Edition Part Two

Gossip is very very overrated. Here we talk about exboyfriends and their gossip, along with the gossip their parents are just as repsonsible for.

The Kelsey & Hunter Show: Special Edition Part One

Politics never hurt anyone...We try to get a little serious in this one because we were simply fed up with everything that had been going on around us. Enjoy.

The Kelsey & Hunter Show: Special Edition Part One

Politics never hurt anyone...We try to get a little serious in this one because we were simply fed up with everything that had been going on around us. Enjoy.

The Kelsey & Hunter Show Episode Two Part One

Slight Technical problems because I was trying to edit out a mean comment I made about someone, and if you wanna see the first episode its on my facebook.