Thursday, September 11, 2008

Guilty until proven innocent.

I am understanding that we live in a world where people will not always agree on things. People will have their differences and fight or argue about them, but in the end most mature people are adults about the situation and move on or make up. In my case it is not like that.
Let me explain. For the past four and a half months I have been in what I would call a less then desirable situation. I have had an individual who I lived with for sometime take fate and life into his own hands. Using coincidence to his advantage and causing more trouble for not only me, but people in my life. With so many things happening around me, and with this person (who shall remain nameless) causing panic around me I finally went to someone who I could talk to about these situations and help me keep sane during all of it.
This is what I got from most of our conversations. He explained to me after what I had told him, that:

"Many people, such as this person, feed off the convenient coincidences that occur around you. He knows that in the type of situation you will be the one blamed for it. He uses this in order to stay under the radar and remain unknown. By doing the things he is doing, he also is smart enough to know that no one will be able to track him back to it, especially if he is doing it in a way that makes you (myself) look more guilty. In his mind, since he is able to see your actions and he knows how your mind works (in a way), he is able to know how you will act in a situation. He knows how you will react when being accused of something you know you did not do, but other people, because of the coincidences, will not look at it as such and in turn point the finger at you because in their eyes it is easier to do so instead of talking about it civilly."

Putting all of this information together and deep in thought while smoking a cigarette, I could not help but think "What did I do?" how did I treat someone so badly that they would stalk me and my ex and his friends to the point of taking every single one of them out of my life? Apologizing makes it better, but how can you be sure when someone is telling you they are sorry that they actually mean it? It makes it much more frustrating when all you want is to be able to say you're sorry and please stop, but all you can do is do your best to stay away from it.

The thing that upsets me the most about this situation is not being trusted. Having my ex befriend people who I am (or was) involved with and tarnish my name. Blaming me for situations that I have had nothing to do with. It made me think about why if he doesn't want to be in a relationship, then why be in one with the neighbor? You knew I liked him yet you perpetuate the situation by going over there. You want me to get on with my life, but how can I when I still love you and seeing you with the neighbor only makes it that much more difficult to be able to walk away. I gave my word. How about you?

I really just stay on my own side (even when the ex comes over next door and feels the need to sneak around and hurt me) and know that what I am being accused of on so many levels, I am innocent. I would rather the neighbors and my ex, and his current understand that while you point the finger of blame at me, you have three fingers pointing right back at you. I have never and would never accuse anyone of anything when I know that they would never do anything like that, and to me my ex knows me well enough to understand I am better then this. But until that day comes and he realizes the truth of the matter. I am guilty until proven innocent.

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