Wednesday, September 24, 2008

For the Tired and the bored.

I am sitting at work, after trying to deal with the frustrations of getting a parking place on campus. I had to be here at work at 10:00 am but class is not until noon. I am just bored and writing things on here to pass the time of my day. I am leaving here to go to class in a bit, and then after that coming back to work for a little bit. Wondering so many things. Last night was kind of a difficult night. Watching Sex and the City the Movie. I don't remember seeing it but I know Zach was the last person I saw it with. It was a little depressing. It was like I was watching a mirror of things that had somewhat happened to me. Hope the day gets better. I'll smoke a cigarette and see if it gets better. Here is hoping.

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