Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Complications float away.

I know that my last posting was a bit angry in tone. For that I am sorry because at the time of me writing it I was...well...angry. I have not been able to update for a little but only because Houston/Huntsville, Texas was hit by hurricane Ike. There was substantial damage to areas of both cities. Everyone is doing fine for the most part and I pray for those still suffering from the damage Ike left behind. My family and I suffered slight damage from a tree falling onto the roof of our house, and our backyard fence being completely taken away. Power came back this past Sunday, but went out the next day. I was happy to know my family was okay seeing at I left on the Saturday the hurricane was scheduled to hit our area. This whole occurrence gave me time to reflect and take a step back and think, seeing as it was the only thing to do with no power.
I am trying my best to not sweat the small things in my life. If someone does not like me then there is really nothing I can do about it. Yes, people will say many things about me (many of them not true) but I can not set them straight or make them feel any differently. What goes around comes around. In time the people that have come into my life and have turned their back on me or cheated or betrayed me will get theirs. I most likely will not be present to see it, but it will happen. I wish nothing but the best for the people that I fell in love with, only to have to learn how to fall out of it. I still love them very much and know that in time they will learn right from wrong.
I have to take things with a grain of salt and try to not let it bother me, but at the same time not a day goes by that I don't sit for maybe a minute and think about what might of been, or why did he or they have to be like this? Will I ever know? Most likely not and many of the questions that I have in my mind will never been answered. Even with Greg I know that there is good in him, but it is something that only he can find and I hope now that this situation is hopefully ratifying itself, and life can get back to as normal as possible. I am still bitter somewhat but it is fading, but I am becoming someone different. I am wondering if I like this different person I am noticing.

Until next time.

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