Thursday, June 11, 2009

No stupid, I don't speak spanish!

So I think everyone by now knows I completely 100% hate my job. The lack of professionalism and respect that comes from my co-workers is outstanding. I mean that in the most negative way possible. No one really does their job, everyone complains about the customers they help, and it really is only when someone thinks that they're are going to open an account, does the fake smile start to show. It is a cut throat job in terms of sales goals and such trying to be met. Each month we are all given a goal of a certain amount of accounts to open. If we don't meet that goal we are almost immediately made to feel like complete and udder shit. It is also an almost impossible goal for me to achieve given the fact that 85% of the customers that come into my location speak spanish and NOT english.
I brought that somewhat obvious fact to the attention of my boss, when he asked me why last month I did not meet my sales goal. He also noted that two of the other co-workers make their goal and sometimes exceed it almost every month and asked what was holding me back. "They speak spanish, I don't" was my first response to his stupid question. I tried several times to prove to him that it was so much easier to meet a sales goal for opening account when your target market speaks spanish and you in fact are bilingual. He still didn't understand and told me that my reasoning for being behind was a poor excuse. Keep in mind that my boss is in fact Mexican!
The thing that drives me so insane is not only does he think that I can somehow magically pull spanish out of my ass, but anything I say is labeled as an excuse. I try not to say it, but at times I feel like my boss is some what of a racist. Calling me to preform a duty that is damn near impossible to achieve when I am basically a white dot in a sea of I mean brown dots. He even had the nerve to tell me to "learn the language, or just get someone to translate, like a co-worker or something."
First of all I would never ask my co-workers for anything in the "will you help me?" department. It is about as pointless as going to a Britney Spears concert and expecting her not to lip-sync. I would rather push my way through the language barrier then attempt to ever ask my piss poor co-workers for any type of assistance, knowing full well that if I ask them for help landing an account with someone who speaks spanish, lord knows they're going to steal the account from me.
After this whole thing went down, I had one of my spanish speaking co-workers tell me I would never be a good employee because I "half-assed" my job and told me I disrespected him. I had never in my life been so infuriated or upset by a comment. But because my boss is mexican, and so is the co-worker that made this comment to me, I see myself getting in trouble rather then the other employee. "why?" you ask. It is simple. Whether or not I did anything wrong, I am quickly learning that everyone is a little prejudice or racist in their own way every now and then. This was proven to me once before, when my boss told me "Even if 85% of our customer base doesn't speak english, you need to open account anyways!" Okay jackass! But take a look for a second for me won't you? I don't speak spanish and I find it difficult to meet a nearly impossible goal. Two other co-workers who DO speak spanish never have the issue of not being able to meet their goal....because....magic bell!!! THEY SPEAK SPANISH!!! I am guessing that maybe my co-worker might not have been 100% wrong in his "half-assed" comment. I am an awesome employee and I try my hardest to take pride in my job, but maybe sometimes I "half-ass" my job, because I work for a "half-assed" company. Just a little observation on my part. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel like this was venting. Oh how I wish I could share my day with you and tell you about my moronic boss and her craziness. She is truly a crazy!

Anyway, i'm sorry you see almost always having a touGh day at work. That always sucks because I always feel like you should never be somewhere where you are unhappy. So I hope you see looking to get out of that job, although I suspect you are just wating till you move to Dallas. Anyway good rant...the Brittney comment was hilarious.