Friday, December 26, 2008

I'm gonna need you to read this.

After time and time again, I find myself getting into really deep deep depressions. I am walking in a town were it has been said to me (in texts mind you) that I am not wanted here, and that I am some crazy person. Just let it be known, I find it amusing and that so many people choose the route of immaturity when it comes to discussing someone else. It is as if people have nothing else better to do with their time, so the first thing that comes to mind is "Hey, you know that Hunter kid?" And no I am not saying that I am so special that everyone talks about me, or that the world revolves around myself, trust me I may be gay, but I am not that egotistical that I think everyone speaks of my name ALL the time. I just find it intriguing that so many people talk about me, who have never met me. (Just because I was in a class with you, or saw you on campus does not mean you know me, or just because you "heard" something about me from my ex or his friends or whomever doesn't make it true or make it to where you know me) It is as if so many people or should I refer to them as children in this town of close mindedness forgot where the lines of truth and lies meet. I would never speak about someone I did not know in a bad manner. Trust me when I say I have in the past bad mouthed someone, but have seen the damage it can do, and I had to work hard to undo that damage.
Is your life so boring and uneventful that when someone makes a comment about me or my life, that you have to one up them into process by making something up about me? I can just imagine the conversation:

"That kid Hunter, he is crazy"
"Oh, yeah I know he is crazy and will kill you"
"Oh yeah, well I know he is crazy, will kill you and kill your mom"

First of all this conversation if it has been or something similar has happened, mind you it is a bunch of bullshit. I am by no means crazy or the type of person that would harm another human being. I have much more important things to do in my life and hurting someone physically would rid me of my future, and to put it pretty forward not one person in my life is worth fucking my life up for just because I think they're are an asshole and earth would function much better if they were not around me. If you have something to say about me then how about it be something that has been confirmed by someone such as hmmm I don't Many people have said things about me that are simply not true. Lie on top of lie on top of lie that has gotten out of control. I prefer the respectable approach. The age old rule, if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.
Of course there are exceptions to this rule. If you did something cruel to someone, grow a pair and have the common decency to apologize. I find that when someone tells me things that have been said about me I simply laugh it off. I think it is hilarious people make up stuff about me. So to clear the air from the funk that is lingering let me make a few things a little more clear for ya. ok?

* I am not a stalker of any kind. I don't send texts and I don't watch people.
* I am a very honest person, learning my lessons from the past and making rights of my wrongs.
* I DID have a very serious head injury during the summer which caused me to lose three years of memory. Retro-Grade Amnesia for the medically inclined.
* I did have a small case of Hodgkin's Lymphoma in my neck which was removed during surgery.
* I was with Zach for only three months and have remembered our relationship through speaking to him and slowly remembering things. But for the record he is a good guy who during our time together did bad things. He cheated twice and lied, he slept with my neighbor three days after I did, but with all do respect that does not make him a bad person.
* Don't ask me if he has herpes I don't know...I just know I don't have Herpes, AIDS, or any kind of STD you could think of so move on.
* I have not stalked Zach or any of his friends after our break up or before. I know this for sure and have had a few people confirm it for me.
* If you are the person who is stalking Zach and I, and you're reading this. I would thank you kindly if you get over yourself and move on to someone with much more time on their hands and have the patience to deal with your inappropriate behavior. If you were gonna kill me like you have texted all my friends you are going to, you would have done it by now...Same with Zach he may be a lot of things but he does not deserve to die or have anything bad happen to him.
* To walk around campus and have your mommy and daddy say you fear for your life when your at school because I am there is ridiculous. Might wanna turn the mirror around and look at who the crazy one is.

Now that I have stepped on my soap box and spoke about what I feel is necessary, must I ask you to Shut the Fuck up about me please. Parents and the close minded children that stand next to them, Put the breaks on when you feel the need to speak my name. Learn the truth about me and the situation before you believe everything people tell you, and if you claim to be a "Christian" then remember that God is the only one who can be judgmental of me and you acting out as you do and choosing to protray yourself as a good Christian just is not that fitting for you, you might need a bigger size, that shirt you're wearing covered in bullshit fits a little to tight. I write this because I know the truth, and have no reason to cover it up. I am who I am and pretty much could careless why you feel the need to lie about the real me. I am simply speaking about myself and putting you all in your place. When you are ready to pull your head out of your ass you know where to find me, because I am not going anywhere, but your junior high called me,they want their drama back. So could you please do me a favor and kindly pass it back to were it belongs. I am done with it and you should too.

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